Thursday, June 24, 2010

Virginia Conclusion and Abroad Introduction

All -
I have accepted a Middle/High school music position at Damascus Community School in Damascus, Syria for 2010 - 2011 school year. This is an American/International School for children of expats and a few nationals. The school has been closed for two years and I will be starting the music program from scratch or whatever scraps are left over from when it was open. There are instruments there, however, I am not sure exactly what I will be walking into; I am not concerned about it because I am adept at creating my own materials. The position is not specified as 'band' or 'chorus' but as 'General Music.' The director has put the structure the music department at my discretion. This is fantastic and a great chance to implement the later part of Orff-Shulwerk which spans 5th grade - 8th grade. I've been working on a personalized Orff-Schulwerk curriculum which I'm excited to implement.

My salary is $31,000, non-taxed, paid in U.S. dollars. The school will furnish a two-bedroom apartment, including ALL utilities, so my salary will all be in-pocket. I'll be paying for food and whatever shopping I want to do. Annual airfare is provided as well as over and back to the states.

The following year, I've also been offered a job at Chadwick International School, in Songdo, South Korea (near Seoul) ( My current plan is to teach in Damascus for one year, then move to South Korea. This all depends on how it goes at Damascus.

In the meantime, I am taking a vacation on the west side of Turkey July 2-17, 2010. I will return to Virginia for two weeks, then leave the states in the beginning of August.

My personal email is; I would love to keep in touch with my colleagues and friends. My blog will be

Kat Rich
General Music Specialist
Choral Director
Camelot ES